Mangaldai College is a pioneer Higher Educational Institute imparting Science and Arts along with skill based B.Voc degree Programme. The college strives to build a top -notch academic environment for learners through inclusive quality education. In this connection, I take the opportunity to offer my heartiest greeting to all the respected and talented faculty members for their endeavour to make our students excel in all aspects. In compliance with the NEP, 2020 we are now trying our level best towards nurturing the holistic development for our learners... Read More
Celebration of International Day of Forest, 2025 International Day of Forests 2025 is being observed today, March 21, to promote awareness about the vital role of forests and encourage sustainable conservation efforts. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, this global event emphasizes the significance of forests in maintaining ecological balance. The theme for this year, "Forests and Food," highlights the crucial connection between forests, food security, and livelihoods. To mark the occasion, the Department of Geography at Mangaldai College organized a "Campus Exploration Activity." Students from the 6th Semester (Major) actively participated, exploring the diverse forest resources within the college premises. This hands-on initiative allowed students to gain insights into the rich biodiversity present on campus. Notably, Mangaldai College boasts an impressive green cover, with more than 50% of its campus enveloped in lush vegetation. This event not only fostered environmental awareness but also reinforced the importance of preserving and nurturing green spaces for future generations.
An awareness programme on Water Conservation was organised by Botany Department, Mangaldai College on the occasion of World Water Day, 2025. Faculties of the department give lectures on different aspects of Water Conservation and awar the students of all semesters about conservation of water.
On 25th March, 2025 International Day of Forests, 2025 has been observed by Department of Botany, Mangaldai College in the Micro forest Area in the college campus. Dr. Kamala Kanta Borah, Principal, Mangaldai was present in this programme and he delivered a lecture on importance of the forests. Dr. Sahabuddin Ahmed, HoD and other faculty members of the Botany Department were present in this programme. Few saplings of Bamboo were planted in the Bambusatum of the Microforest area. A total 80 no of students were present in this programme.
Celebrating World Wildlife Day on 3rd March at our esteemed Geography department.. A paper on the eve of occasion was presented by our faculty Dr. p. K. Sharma which was indeed noteworthy. All the faculties including 40 nos. of students present over here.
Science Model Exhibition and Competition has been organised by Eco Club Mangaldai College among the school students of Glorious Public School. Total participants more than 50.
A popular talk has been delivered on World Wetland Day in Glorious Public School among the students, teachers and guardians to generate awareness on threats to the wetlands, conservation strategies, duties and responsibilities of youth to protect the wetlands. About 50 participants took part in the program.
On December 5, 2024, the Department of Bodo, in collaboration with the Bodo Literary Society, Mangaldai College, observed Poetry Day to honor the memory of Brajendra Kumar Brahma on his death anniversary.
A group of B.Sc. 5th semester (Honours) students attended H.K.Baruah Memorial Annual Lecture in Gauhati University organized by Department of Botany, Gauhati university in P.D. Hall, Gauhati University on 30/11/2024. A lecture on the topic "Bioremediation for Sustainable Development" was delivered by Prof. Hemanta Kumar Patra, UGC Emeritus Scholar.From this lecture, students gained knoledge on Bioremediation Process and its application. Along with this, they also visited laboratories and Botanical Garden of Gauhati University.The group was guided by Dr. Rajreepa Talukdar, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Mangaldai College.
Yuva Tourism Club and Department of Economics in association with IQAC, Mangaldai College organised a lecture session on the theme ‘Tourism and Peace’ on the occasion of World Tourism Day on 27th September,2024. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Bornali Deka, Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Mangaldai College where she emphasised the growing importance of tourism industry in the world in general and North-Eastern region in particular. Dr. Pranjit kr. Sarma, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, Mangaldai College was the resource person for the program where he enlightened the students about the various aspects of Tourism Industry in Assam. He emphasised the socio-economic and cultural impact of various national parks and wildlife sanctuaries on its local communities in Assam. The program which was attended by 110 students came to an end with a vote of thanks provided by Umesh Ch. Sarma, Associate Professor, Dept of Economics, Mangaldai College.
Lead me from the darkness
(of ignorance)
(of wisdom)
Mangaldai College
Department of Computer Science & IT