
Education Department

"Department of Education, Mangaldai College was started in 1971. The pioneer of the department was Dr Suchitra Kakati and she had gone to Pragjyotish College Guwahati. In 1972 Professor Jagannath Sarmah and Dr Hari Chandra Deka had joined the department. Professor Jagannath Sarmah took the duty of heading the department. Department had offered only pass course then. Being a premier institution of Darrang district and due to the pressure of students and guardians, the department took the initiative to introduce major courses in 1992 with two new teachers in adhoc basis. Now the department has strength of three full time faculties - (1) Dr Babita Sarmah , Associate prof (HOD) (2) Dr Usha Rani Deka , Assistant prof (3) Dr Kunjalata Baruah, Assistant prof The department is now running smoothly showing good results in major courses as well as pass courses with 1st class and 2nd class category. In 2010 Nikumani Deka and in 2020 Sankur Das secured first class first position under Gauhati University. "

Library Details

The department has a separate seminar library for students and teachers. The library has more than 370 books in the various fields of education. The books are donated by alumni and teachers of the department. These books are distributed among the students as per their needs.

Laboratory Details

The department is well equipped with a psychological laboratory with various apparatus like Tachistoscope, Mirror drawing apparatus, Punch board for maze learning, wooden screen, memory drum and stopwatch .

Smart Classroom

The department has a smart classroom with an interactive pannel. It enhances the teaching and learning process for both the teachers and the students by inculcating audio, video, animations, images, multimedia.

Snapshots of the



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