
English Department

Department of English , Mangaldai College was started in 1951 since the establishment of the College as the subject is a core one. Major in English was initiated in 1988 and it is being continued with a plethora of students. Most of the students prefer to enroll in the department of English. We , the teachers try to study the POs and COs of the programs/ Syllabi and do justice to our commitment to students and the institutions.We have a Literary Club, a debate Club and a Wall Magazine, named, Dawn. Students are encouraged to participate in the activities held by different organizations like MCTU, MCSU , WSRC, IQAC etc and specially in College week the students' participation is mandatory. The Professors' discuss academic and other issues in DAC and implement the resolutions as taken. The unit tests,sessional examinations and internal assessments are held time to time as per the notice given by the authority and GU. Students from the department have gotten employment in govt and private sectors all these years. We look forward to serve society by illuminating the young generation with knowledge because knowledge is power. In the Department of English there is a smart class,  wi fi connection, computer which are used by the faculty members and students for academic purpose.

Library Details

We have more than 500 books of diverse genres which we lend to students and faculty members from time to time and it is recorded in a systematic manner. Students are allowed to keep a book for one week only which allows all the students to get a hold of books by taking turns. 

Laboratory Details

No Lab

Smart Classroom


Snapshots of the



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