
Geography Department

The Department of Geography, Mangaldai College was established in 1959 as Commercial Geography in inter mediate course under the leadership of Prof. N.K. Dasgupta. In 1963, the governing body of Mangaldai College appointed Prof. Madanlal Chaturvedi to initiate the subject Geography in degree level. The department had started its honours course under the initiation of then Principal Prabodh Ch. Goswami in 1972. In 1975, the first honours batch with 19 candidates appearing  in degree final examination brought glory to the department when  Late Prof. Matiram Medhi secured first class first position from Gauhati University. Till date,  Including Late M.Medhi there are altogether 7 students  who held 1st class 1st position and 240 students secured 1st class rank in UG course under Gauhati University. Currently the department has 6 full time dedicated faculty members with130 honours  and 242 regular course student. The department has all modern facilities along with a state of the art GIS laboratory. The department follows the curriculum and syllabus provided by the Gauhati University in offering undergraduate course on semester basis. Besides the regular courses, the department also provides  Add-on Courses on Geo-spatial Technology.   The department has been taking initiative in organizing extension activities like blood donation, flood relief, participatory rural appraisal, etc. over the years. 

Library Details

The departmental library has different valuable text books including reference book, research journals and periodicals, etc. since its inception. There are two bookshelf having 134 books purchased under U.G.C. sponsored minor project and by the college authority .

Laboratory Details

The department has a full fledged laboratory with computers, GIS software, field survey instruments, GPS, satellite images, topographical maps, weather maps and other teaching aids.

Smart Classroom

The smart classroom was installed in the department in January, 2022. It has an interactive digital board where audio visual presentation can be made using WIFI available in the department.

Snapshots of the



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