
Zoology Department

The department of Zoology was established in the year 1969 and the major course was introduced in 1988. The departmental area covered is 2018 sq. ft. The physical structure available are four classrooms and two well equipped laboratories. One of the classroom has ICT facility. Apart from that there is a museum room and five aquariums. In addition to that there is a library with good numbers of books and a computer.
At present there are two Associate Professors and four Assistant Professors. The Departmental wall magazine ""Dolphin"" was started from 1993. The department has produced about 189 nos. of 1st class holders in BSc Major Course till 2022.
The department of Zoology also offers an Add-on-course on sericulture. Various activities like, Hands-on-training, Workshop, field trips etc. are conducted time to time.

Library Details

The departmental library of Zoology was set up in the year 1990. There are total 1100 nos. of books. The books are easily accessible to all the students.

Laboratory Details

The Department is supported by two well equipped laboratories where all the syllabus oriented practical can be done. The instruments include Spectrophotometer, Colorimeter, UV chamber, High resolution compound and dissecting microscope, Microtome, Incubator, Distilled water plant, Refrigerator for chemical storage etc,.

Smart Classroom

Department of Zoology has one ICT classroom and offers smart classroom facility. Students can learn the curriculum in a better way with different ICT modules.

Snapshots of the



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