Manash Pratim Baruah, M.Sc.,B.Ed

Assistant professor, Department of Botany

Phone: 7896989274,7002412084
Address: Vill:Jhargaon,PO:Jaljali,PS: Mangaldai,Dist:Darrang,State:Assam,Pin: 784529

Date of Joining
Area of Interest
Cytogenetics, Plant Physiology, Ethnobotany, Plant Biotechnology
Specialization of subjects
Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding

Teacher Activities

Course Covered

Extention Activities


Conference | Seminar | Workshop

1. Participated in the 101st Indian Science Congress held at University of Jammu, Jammu from February 3 to 7, 2014 organized by The Indian Science Congress Association.

2. Participated in the Science Model Competition held in Science Marathan-NEGC-2016 organized by University of Science and Technology Meghalaya on 26th and 27th February, 2016.

3. Successfully completed an internship programme on “Microbial Techniques and Imaging” during 21st December, 2016 to 10th of January, 2017 organized by Guwahati Biotech Park, IIT Guwahati, Assam

4. Participated in the North East Graduate Congress-2017 held at University of Science and Technology Meghalaya, Techno City, 9th Mile, Ri-Bhoi on 17th, 18th and 19th February, 2017.

5. One week Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Literacy”organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Research & Publication Cell, Uttar Kampith Mahavidyalaya, Jagara, Assam in collaboration with, ICT Academy (An initiative of Govt. of India) from 21 November 2022 to 27 November 2022.

6. Participated in the 30th National Children’s Science Congress, 2022 as District Level Project Evaluator held at Mangaldai College, Mangaldai organized by Darrang District Organizing Committee on 20th November, 2022.

7. Month-long Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) organized by Teaching Learning centre, Tezpur University during 01 February to 02 March 2023 under PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Education, Government of India.

8. Presented a paper entitled “Effect of ICT based teaching on understanding of the concepts of Environmental changes.” in NAAC sponsored National seminar on ‘Revised Accreditation framework of NAAC: Understanding the parameters of quality assessment’ organized by IQAC, Mangaldai college, Mangaldai held on 25th & 26th April, 2023.

9. Participated in State Level workshop on ‘Issues and Challenges in Intellectual Property (IP) and Importance of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) organized by Mangaldai College, Mangaldai supported by ASTEC, Guwahati held on 28th April, 2023.

Books | Chapter in Books


1. Life member of Assam Science Society


Other Activity