Gagen Kakati , M.A., M.Phill.

Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit

Phone: 8638441497

Date of Joining
Area of Interest
Specialization of subjects
Vedic Literature

Teacher Activities

Course Covered

Extention Activities


1. “A glimps of Vedic culture in the myth “Syavasva Archanana” of Brhaddevata of Saunaka: A discussion”, Douranga, Vol-1, No. 1: 2013-14, ISSN: 2348-8905.

2. “Awareness of Vedic Seers to the environment and ecology: A discussion”, Jnanam, Vol-1, No-1, Sept, 2013- Aug, 2014, ISSN: 2393-8110.

3. A glimps of Vedic culture in the myth “Syavasva Archanana” of Brhaddevata of Saunaka : A discussion DOURANGA (An International Research Journal on Social Science), Vol.-1, No-1 , Published by Darrang - Udalguri Geographical Forum 2013-2014 ISSN : 2348-8905

4. Sanskrit Sahityat Paribesh Samraksanar Chintan : eti adhyan JNANAM (A Multigunal Academic Journal), Vol.-IV, Published by Darrang-Udalguri Zone, ACTA 2016-2017 ISSN : 2393-8110

5. Vaidikkalin Vidusinarisakal aru Sikshakhetrat teulokar paradarsita. PRAJNA : A Publication of Multridisciplinary articles of Mangaldai College Teachers’ Unit. June,2019 ISBN : 978-81-938867-5-5

6. वैदिकसाहित्ये मानवतावोधस्योल्लेखः SHABDARNAV : A International Peer Reviewed Journal of Multridisciplinary Research) Vol.-9, Part-III, IIJ Impact Factor 2.206 , Publisher- Samnvay Foundation, Bihar Jan.-June, 2019

7. Treatment of Apri hymns in the Brhaddevata of Saunaka : A study VEDANJALI : An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Multridisciplinary Research), Vol.-11, Part-2, IIJ Impact Factor,2.193, Published by – Vaidik Educational Research Society, Varanasi Jan.-June, 2019 ISSN : 2349-364X

8. श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायां त्रिगुणानां स्वरुपं मनसि च तेषां प्रभावः SHABDARNAV : An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Multridisciplinary Research) Vol.-10, Part-I, IIJ Impact Factor 2.206 ,Publisher- Samnvay Foundation, Bihar July-Dec.,2019 ISSN : 2395-5104

9. ऋग्वेदे देवतातत्त्वम् VEDANJALI : An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Multridisciplinary Research), Vol.-11, Part-2, IIJ Impact Factor,2.193, Published by – Vaidik Educational Research Society, Varanasi July-Dec. 2019 ISSN : 2349-364X

10. उपनिषदि प्रतिफलितं नैतिकतत्त्वम् SHODHSAMHITA, A peer Reviewed Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research (A UGC –CARE Listed Journal, Group-1) 2021 ISSN : 2277-7067

11. Environmental and Ecological awareness in the Vedic Literature : A discussion. NIU International Journal of Human Rights, (A UGC-CARE Listed Journal, Group- 1), Published by Noida International University, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh 2021 ISSN : 2394-0298


Conference | Seminar | Workshop

1. Presented a paper in the MSRVVP sponsored National Vedic Seminar on “Importance of the Vedic Study in the Present Turmoil of the Society” organized by the Department of Sanskrit, J.B.College, Jorhat, Assam on 10th & 11th February, 2014

2. Participated at UGC Sponsored State Level Workshop on “Assamese Science Plays for rural folk Inculcating Awareness in Environment and Hygiene” organized by Paschim Barigog Anchalik Mahavidyalaya, Kamrup, Assam, on August 9th & 10th, 2014

3. Presented a paper at 47th Session of All India Oriental Conference (AIOC), held at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam during 2nd to 4th January, 2015.

4. Presented a paper in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “ Women Empowerment : Issue and Challenges” organized by Department of Economics, Mangaldai College, Darrang, Assam, (11-12 September,2015)

5. Presented a paper in the XIth National Seminar on “Purusharthachatushtaya : Historical Perspective (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha) organized by Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana & Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti, Assam, (23rd -25th December, 2018).

6. Presented a paper in the National Seminar on “Dharmasastras : Socio-cultural Heritage of Assam and Manipur” organized by Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University, Assam (March 15-16,2019).

7. Participated in an International Webinar on “ The Basic Concepts of Dharma and Religion in Relation to Eastern and Western Philosophy” organized by IQAC & Dept. of Sanskrit, Barabazar B.T.M College, West Bengal (04/07/2020).

8. Participated in International Webinar on “Sanskrit Education in Assam in the Context of Past & Present” organized by Rastriya Sanskrit Manch, Assam Prant & Dept. of Sanskrit, Kamrup College, Chamata (10/09/2020)

9. Participated in International Seminar on “आयुर्वेद एवं जीवविज्ञान के सन्दर्भ मे संस्कृत को विज्ञान की प्राकृतिक भाषा बनाने के आधार एवं चुनाँतियाँ” organized by Dept.of Sanskrit, University of Jammu & Rastriya Sanskrit Manch, J&K Prant.(19/09/2020).

Books | Chapter in Books

1. “Elements of culture and religion in padma purana and its reflection in Assamese society of medieval period”, Traditional knowledge system of North East India, May, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-924052-0-9.

2. “Treatment of Apri hymns in the Brhaddevata of Saunaka: A discussion”, Pabandha Saurav, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-925698-3-3.

3. Knowledge of culture and Religion in Padma purana and its reflection in Assamese Society of Medieval Period. “Traditional Knowledge System of North-East India : Antiquity and Evolution” a proceedings of the National Seminar, Published by the Department of History, Mangaldai College. February, 2012 ISBN : 978-81-924052-0-9

4. Status of Women as Reflected in the Literature of Vedic era. DARSHANA : Published by Department of Philosophy, Mangaldai College August, 2019 ISBN : 978819388762


1. Assam Science Society, Jawaharnagar,Khanapara, Guwahati

2. Darrang Janakristi Samaj : Mangaldai, Darrang

3. Purnananda Memorial Museum, Devananda, Darrang, Assam


Other Activity