Study Materials for

Zoology Department

Course Subject Semester Topic Type Date Uploader Documents Video
Bsc Zoology 5 Digestion of food Documents 0000-00-00
BSc Invertebrates 1 General Character of Arthropoda Documents 2023-09-13 Bikash Rabha
BSc Amino Acids 3 Physiological importance of essential and non-essential amino acids Documents 2023-09-13 Bikash Rabha
BSc Protein 3 Protein Denaturation Documents 2023-09-13 Bikash Rabha
BSc Protein 3 Bonds Stabilizing Protein Structure Documents 2023-09-13
BSc 5th Sem RE Practical 5 Study of insect damage to different plant parts/stored products Documents 2023-09-21 Bikash Rabha
BSc 5th Sem RE Practical 5 Collection of Pest Diagrams Documents 2023-09-21 Bikash Rabha
BSc ZOO-HG/RC-4016 4 History of Life (Unit 6) Documents 2024-02-06
BSc ZOO-HG/RC-4016 4 History of Life (Unit 6) Documents 2024-02-06
BSc ZOO-HC-6016 (Unit4) 6 Insect Metamorphosis Documents 2024-02-06
BSc Developmental Biology 6 Stem Cells Documents 2024-02-15 Krishna Das
BSc Fundamentals of Biochemistry (ZOO-HC-3036) 3 Enzymes Video URL 2024-02-15 Krishna Das
B.Sc. Diversity of Non-Chordates (ZOO-1011) 1 Symmetry in Metazoa Documents 2024-02-15 Krishna Das


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