2. Notice of any kind for circulation must be approved by the Principal.
3. Principal's signature on identity card shall be affixed within 15 days from the date of admission.
4. Students must keep the identity card with them in the college campus and produce it whenever demanded.
5. Filled up registration form of council/university should be submitted in the office within the stipulated time as fixed by the college office. No registration form will be received after such time.
6. For a pass certificate from the college, one has to apply one day in advance and for a transfer certificate, he/she has to apply at least two days in advance.
7. The student must have minimum of 75% attendance for examination purpose.
8. The responsibility for maintaining discipline is vested with the Principal and the Disciplinary Action Committee. Their decision shall be final in all such matters. Recently promulgated Govt. Rules on ragging are strictly adhered to in our college. Students will be punished for indulging in such activities as given in the following:
a. Encouraging and participation in ragging of any type.
b. Forcible disruption of classes.
c. Destruction of college properties.
d. Misbehavior shown towards girls, women, and teaching and non teaching employees of the college.
e. Using drugs, narcotics and cigarette smoking inside the college campus.
f. Misleading the college by providing wrong information to the college authority.
g. Damage of library books, desks-benches and other property in possession of college.
h. Any kind of activity which is detrimental to the academic atmosphere of the college.
i. Using of cell phone in the college campus.