Arabic is one of the most important languages of the world. It is the language of the glorious Qur'an and Hadith and Islamic Sciences as well as the meand of communication in the modern world in general and in the gulf countries in particular.
Arabic language is unique in its statud as an International language.At the time of globalization of economic as well as trade and budiness,the importance of learning Arabic is increasing day by day.So the study of Arabic language and literature emphasizes the learning of subject not as a classical language only but also as a language of communication in the modern world.
Looking the importance of Arabic Language,Mangaldai college has introduced Arabic Dubject in the Pre-University Classes and B.A.Pass Course level in the Academic Session 1979-80 and 1983 -84 respectively The Major Course has been started from the Academic Session,1998-99.The founder Teacher of the Department Was Dr.Jamaluddin Ahmed who retired from his Associate Professor on 31-12-2015.
There is a Departmental Library in the Dept. having more than 250 books(Text & Refference) given by Dr.Abul Qasim,HOD.The books are being issued to the poor and needy students as study material.After the Ending of semester exams the students return the books and same is issued to the following students as continuous process.
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